Tuberculin / Mantoux Skin Test for TB
January 10th, 2020The tuberculin skin test is also known as the Mantoux test or the PPD test. This test is to find out how much exposure someone has had to the Tuberculosis or TB germ over the course of their life. However, the test cannot tell you if the exposure was 3 months ago or 30 years ago. […]
TB vaccine and Diabetes
October 14th, 2018The Tuberculosis (TB) BCG vaccine is normally given to children under 5 years of age, and is often given at birth in the developing world, especially where TB is common. In Australia, we usually only give this vaccine to small children who will be visiting countries where TB is common. TB vaccine and Diabetes Recent research […]
Drug-free holidays and malaria prevention
October 9th, 2018We are very pleased to report that our recent research project was published in a very respected journal: Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID). AND we received this notification in April 2019 As editor-in-chief of Clinical Infectious Diseases and on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, I would like to thank you for your contribution to our journal […]
First Aid of Burns
September 21st, 2018This is essential information for all members of the community from the RACGP QLD Newsletter Water cooling treatment for burns The most important take-home messages from the article: Water cooling for 20 minutes within three hours of any type of burn provides the most benefit This was shown to reduce: the risk of […]
Travel Vaccines for Bali – What vaccines do I need for Bali?
May 21st, 2018What Vaccines do I need for Bali? What Vaccines do I need for Bali? At the very least you need your usual childhood vaccines plus protection from Hepatitis A. Depending on what you are doing, you may also need vaccines against Typhoid, maybe Cholera or ETEC, sometimes vaccines against Influenza or Japanese encephalitis, and […]

Waning Influenza Vaccine effectiveness
April 2nd, 2018Will the influenza vaccine protection really run out before the end of the season? Short answer – we don’t really know. The optimal TIMING for influenza vaccination is not clear. However, there is clear evidence that the influenza vaccine stops people getting seriously sick and even dying from influenza. This is especially true for persons […]

Travelling Seniors – what you don’t know CAN hurt you.
February 20th, 2018Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure on a distant journey to unknown lands. Sir Richard Burton explorer Look at the bucket list of most seniors, and you will see some form of travel. Money and time means the world is your oyster…Unfortunately, what the glossy brochures don’t tell you, is […]

Australian Immunisation Register and US
January 29th, 2018The Australian Immunisation Register ( AIR ) has been touted with much fanfare, but still has a few problems… in that not all doctors software is compatible with it. Our software for example is not. Computer experts all over the country are working on getting all the software of Aussie doctors to work seamlessly together, […]

Do we believe Drug Expiry Dates?
November 6th, 2017It may come as no surprise, that drug expiry dates are not all they are cracked up to be. Some drugs are still effective for a long time after their printed drug expiry date. Hoarding of drugs has been metaphorically placed in the same category as stacks of old newspapers, magazines, broken equipment, empty boxes and […]
World TB Day – March 24th
March 24th, 2017Today is World TB day In 2015, there were 1.8 million TB-related deaths worldwide. TB or Tuberculosis is due to a bacteria that is generally coughed from person to person. One third of the world’s population is infected with TB – most are not sick but have whats called latent TB. In 2015, 10.4 million people around the world became […]