Archive for the ‘Vaccines’ Category
Travel Vaccines for Bali – What vaccines do I need for Bali?
May 21st, 2018What Vaccines do I need for Bali? What Vaccines do I need for Bali? At the very least you need your usual childhood vaccines plus protection from Hepatitis A. Depending on what you are doing, you may also need vaccines against Typhoid, maybe Cholera or ETEC, sometimes vaccines against Influenza or Japanese encephalitis, and […]

Waning Influenza Vaccine effectiveness
April 2nd, 2018Will the influenza vaccine protection really run out before the end of the season? Short answer – we don’t really know. The optimal TIMING for influenza vaccination is not clear. However, there is clear evidence that the influenza vaccine stops people getting seriously sick and even dying from influenza. This is especially true for persons […]
World TB Day – March 24th
March 24th, 2017Today is World TB day In 2015, there were 1.8 million TB-related deaths worldwide. TB or Tuberculosis is due to a bacteria that is generally coughed from person to person. One third of the world’s population is infected with TB – most are not sick but have whats called latent TB. In 2015, 10.4 million people around the world became […]

Tick Borne Encephalitis Vaccine for Travellers
September 25th, 2016Tick Encephalitis a.k.a. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a serious brain infection. It is caught from a simple tick bite in Europe. In Australia, our ticks cause paralysis but in Europe, they spread an infection to the brain that can cause brain damage or be fatal. Happily, two-thirds of sufferers get no symptoms. The infection is […]

What is World Rabies day ? and why 28th September
September 24th, 2016World Rabies Day is in a few days. It aims to raise awareness about rabies. This year’s theme is Educate, Vaccinate, Eliminate. This year’s theme is Educate, Vaccinate, Eliminate. Rabies is a serious problem in many parts of the world: Rabies threatens half the world’s population – about 55,000 deaths per year. Australia is truly a […]

Haj Vaccines Brisbane
July 25th, 2016If you attending the Haj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, September 9-14 this year, and you are based in Brisbane, and need Haj vaccines, consult us ( Phone 32219066). For the Haj, all persons over 2 years of age must have the 4-strain Meningococcal Vaccine. It must be documented in the ( yellow ) International Vaccination Record […]
Parkinson’s disease and Travel
June 13th, 2016If you wish to travel, Parkinson’s disease should not be a barrier to seeing the world, if you are well organised and plan ahead. There are a lot of websites giving tips for travel with Parkinson’s Disease. Few mention the travel vaccines, which are important. Here are some suggestions which focus on medical issues. Some tips may not […]
Typhoid & Hepatitis A vaccines in Children
February 17th, 2016We have recently published world first research on the use of a combined typhoid & hepatitis A vaccine in children. In Australia, the use of combined vaccines in children 2-16 years of age is considered “off label”. Separate vaccine ( the one for hepatitis A and the one for typhoid ) are licensed in Australia to […]
Lyssavirus : Look but don’t touch
September 14th, 2015This blog post has been updated today Sept 14, 2014 The report in the media about Lyssavirus being found in a flying fox in Brisbane is a good reminder about LOOK BUT DONT TOUCH. Flying fox are perfectly safe if you don’t touch them. Anyone who has had physical contact with a flying fox should seek […]
Q fever
November 7th, 2013Q fever is an infectious disease which was discovered in 1937 by Dr Edward Derrick, a pathologist at the Royal Brisbane Hospital after an outbreak of febrile illness in Queensland abattoir workers. It occurs after exposure to wild and domestic animals, with the most common animal sources being cattle, sheep, goats, kangaroos, camels and cats. […]