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Please vote online to help a school in Nepal

July 3rd, 2011

Dear Readers, could you spare a minute to vote online to help one of my patients win a $5000 grant to build classrooms in a remote Nepalese village school ( I am also one of the directors of the Overseas Aid fund for the Nepal Australia Friendship Association so can vouch for the organisation NAFA)

Sunsuper will give a charity $5000 for the most votes! We’re not asking for your money, just your vote.

It only took me about 3 mins but I had to check my junk mail for the confirming vote.

Voting is quick and easy so please click on this link http://sunsuperdreams.com.au/dreams/user/kylie-gilbert and follow the instructions to lodge your vote.

Voting starts on 1st July and finishes on 31st July. Thanks for any help you can give to spread the word.

More info below from Kylie Gilbert

Supporter of NAFA and Nepal


Please give just a few minutes of your time and vote to help make “the dream come true” for a school in a poor rural area of Nepal.

“Help Build Two Classrooms in Rural Nepal”

My dream is to help make the dream for the 23 teachers and 500 students of Shree Mahakali School, in a poor rural area of Nepal, come true! – to build two new classrooms and provide a learning environment for Grade 9 students.

Shree Mahakali School operates with many challenges; it receives very little Government funding and the students who attend are from very poor farming families. The school currently only has facilities to Grade 8; so a $5,000 grant will not only provide two Grade 9 classrooms, which will allow the children to have continuity in their most important schooling years, but will also save the students walking time to another school further away. Majority of these students now walk over 2 hours a day to attend Shree Mahakali School; but they do it happily and willingly in every season as they love learning.

The teachers of this school are very passionate and they have a vision; to create a model school by providing quality education and support to their students (eventually up to Grade 10, the last and most important year for students before College), training for teachers, and new technology for children living in this poor rural area who would normally not have access to education. The school is very forward thinking in that they have an ECO club, scouts group, library, small computer room and nursery. The teachers are dedicated and work hard to bring these poor rural students up to the same standard as city students, who have many more opportunities.

I truly admire these teachers as I know how difficult it is for Nepalese children to receive an education. My dream is to help support these teachers in their vision to give these children a quality education, and as a result, a brighter future!

The $5,000 grant would be donated to the Nepal Australia Friendship Association (Qld) Inc (NAFA). It would be spent on materials and skilled labour to build the two classrooms while the community would donate the many hours of unskilled labour. NAFA (21 years strong), a very dedicated group of people, tirelessly raises funds to assist remote communites in Nepal in the areas of health, education and water infrastructure. NAFA members visited Shree Mahakali school early in 2011 and would return later in this year to monitor the building of the two classrooms.

Thanks everyone for your continued support … it is always very much appreciated by NAFA and myself.

Kind regards,

Kylie Gilbert
Supporter of NAFA and Nepal

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